The next work -Orc Bust

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The next work -Orc Bust- Coming soon 下一隻新作品即將推出 The Orc already completed the modification. I have to test the magnet strength before kit sent to the factory. It looks good. 修改完成後在寄出翻模之前測試一下,磁鐵強度比我想像的好很多, 不過只能吸附在純鐵上面才能夠支撐住模型的重量。 這隻作品將會在RF展登場,敬請期待!(距離RF時間越來越近啦!!!)

R-one studio x CICF

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Shadow Wolf in Guangzhou CICF !!! Shadow Wolf 在10/1-5廣州CICF中国国际漫画节动漫游戏展現身~ 有去逛展覽的朋友就能夠在現場看到SW.小狼妹喔~ 拆盒網參展預告網頁(展位E05、E07) 萬分感謝拆盒網的宣傳與報導!!!

initial shipment was sold out.

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Hi~guys. The Shadow Wolf ‘s initial shipment was sold out. If you still want to get a SW. kit , you have to wait the second shipment. The initial shipment will be shipping at October. Please wait patiently. 嗨~大家好 ! … Continued

Shadow wolf Unboxing

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Shadow wolf, the last surviving dark elf, the top assassin, who can manipulate shadow monsters and hide in the dark. Shadow is her friend but also her weapon…watch out for your back. "Don’t be afraid of the shadow . Shadow … Continued